Ahsoka Tano and the Daughter/Owl Relationship in Star Wars

21 September 2023
In the vast expanse of the Star Wars universe, few characters have captured the hearts and minds of fans as profoundly as Ahsoka Tano. Introduced as Anakin Skywalker's spirited Padawan in "Star Wars: The Clone Wars," Ahsoka's journey from a young Jedi-in-training to a wise and independent Force-wielder is both compelling and emblematic of the series' core themes. Central to her evolution is the Mortis arc, a narrative that delves deep into the essence of the Force and introduces us to three enigmatic beings: The Father, the Daughter, and the Son.

This essay aims to explore the intricate relationship between Ahsoka Tano, the Daughter, and the owl-like creature, Morai, shedding light on its significance within the broader Star Wars narrative and its implications for understanding the Force's very nature.

Background on Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano, with her distinctive Togruta markings and dual lightsabers, burst onto the Star Wars scene as a young and eager Padawan assigned to the renowned Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker. Over the course of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars," we witness her growth from a novice learner, often grappling with the complexities of the Force and the Jedi Code, to a seasoned warrior, making difficult decisions that challenge her beliefs and loyalties.

Her relationship with Anakin is central to her development, offering a mirror to Anakin's own struggles and foreshadowing his eventual transformation into Darth Vader. As Ahsoka faces trials, betrayals, and moral dilemmas, her resilience and commitment to the light side of the Force solidify, setting the stage for her pivotal encounter on Mortis.

The Mortis Arc: An Overview

Mortis, a realm unlike any other within the Star Wars universe, stands as a metaphysical representation of the Force itself. This enigmatic dimension, seemingly detached from time and space, serves as the backdrop for one of the most philosophically rich arcs in "Star Wars: The Clone Wars." Within Mortis, the very fabric of the Force is laid bare, allowing characters and viewers alike to grapple with its complexities.

Central to this realm are three unique Force-wielders, each symbolizing a distinct aspect of the Force:

  • The Father: An ancient being who embodies the balance of the Force. He constantly strives to maintain equilibrium between his two children, ensuring that neither the light nor the dark side becomes dominant.
  • The Daughter: A luminous and benevolent entity, she represents the Light side of the Force. Her actions are driven by compassion, selflessness, and a deep commitment to harmony.
  • The Son: In stark contrast to his sister, the Son embodies the Dark side of the Force. Impulsive, powerful, and often malevolent, he seeks to break free from his father's control and unleash his full potential.

When Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano find themselves inexplicably drawn to Mortis, they are thrust into a series of events that challenge their understanding of the Force. Anakin, identified as the Chosen One, is believed by the Father to be the successor who can maintain the balance after his departure. However, as the trio navigates the challenges posed by the Daughter and the Son, they confront their own fears, ambitions, and destinies.

The Mortis arc, while deeply rooted in the lore of the Force, also serves as an allegory for the broader struggles within the Star Wars saga. The eternal dance between light and dark, the nature of destiny, and the sacrifices required to maintain balance are all themes that resonate throughout this narrative.


The Daughter's Ultimate Sacrifice

In the intricate tapestry of events that unfold on Mortis, one moment stands out as particularly poignant: the Daughter's selfless act to save Ahsoka Tano. This act, while deeply personal, reverberates throughout the Star Wars universe, encapsulating the very essence of the Light side of the Force.

During their time on Mortis, the volatile dynamics between the Father, the Daughter, and the Son reach a fever pitch. The Son, in his quest for dominance and power, seeks to corrupt Anakin Skywalker and harness his potential as the Chosen One. In a desperate bid to achieve his goals, the Son unleashes his dark powers in various ways, one of which results in a direct threat to Ahsoka's life.

Ahsoka, caught in the crossfire of this cosmic struggle, becomes a victim of the Son's malevolence. On the brink of death, her fate seems sealed. However, in a moment of profound altruism, the Daughter intervenes. Recognizing the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences for the balance of the Force, she chooses to transfer her own life force to Ahsoka. This act of sacrifice not only revives Ahsoka but also cements the Daughter's legacy as a beacon of hope, compassion, and selflessness.

The implications of this sacrifice are manifold:

  • Bond Formation: The Daughter's act creates an unbreakable spiritual bond between her and Ahsoka. This connection, while intangible, plays a crucial role in Ahsoka's future encounters and decisions.
  • Symbolism: The Daughter's sacrifice is emblematic of the broader themes of Star Wars. It underscores the idea that the Light side of the Force is characterized by acts of selflessness, love, and a commitment to the greater good.
  • Legacy: While the Daughter's physical presence may have ceased, her influence continues to resonate. Her essence, intertwined with Ahsoka's, serves as a testament to the enduring power of the Light side of the Force.

In the grand narrative of Star Wars, the Daughter's sacrifice is a poignant reminder of the lengths to which individuals will go to preserve balance, harmony, and hope in the face of overwhelming darkness.

Morai: The Convor's Symbolism

Following the heart-wrenching events on Mortis, a subtle yet profound symbol emerges in Ahsoka Tano's journey: Morai, the Convor. This owl-like creature, with its watchful eyes and ethereal presence, serves as a constant reminder of the Daughter's sacrifice and the deep bond forged between the two.

The Convor's Introduction

Morai first makes her presence known after the events of the Mortis arc. Often seen perched nearby or circling above, this Convor seems to have a particular interest in Ahsoka. While her appearances are subtle, they are far from coincidental.

A Manifestation of the Daughter

It is later revealed that Morai shares a unique connection with the Daughter. In many ways, she is a manifestation of the Daughter's essence, a living testament to her legacy. This connection is further solidified when Ahsoka acknowledges Morai's significance, recognizing the Convor as a guardian and protector, much like the Daughter herself.

Symbolic Interpretations

  • Guardianship: Morai's frequent appearances during pivotal moments in Ahsoka's life suggest a protective role. Whether guiding her through challenges or simply watching from a distance, Morai embodies the Daughter's continued guardianship over Ahsoka.
  • Memory: The Convor serves as a tangible reminder of the Daughter's sacrifice. Every sighting of Morai evokes memories of Mortis, ensuring that the Daughter's act of selflessness is never forgotten.
  • Balance and Harmony: In the Star Wars universe, creatures like the Convor are often associated with the Force's mystical aspects. Morai's presence around Ahsoka symbolizes the balance and harmony that the Daughter stood for, reinforcing the idea that the Force's light side continues to guide and influence Ahsoka's path.


In the episode "Chapter 13: The Jedi" of "The Mandalorian," Ahsoka Tano makes her live-action debut. As the story unfolds, attentive fans can spot Morai, the convor with a deep connection to Ahsoka from "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" and "Star Wars Rebels." Morai can be seen perched in the background during one of the scenes, serving as a subtle nod to Ahsoka's past and her connection to the Daughter from the Mortis arc.

This brief appearance of Morai in live-action is a testament to the intricate details and interconnectedness of the Star Wars universe, bridging animated series with live-action content.

It's a reminder of Ahsoka's journey, her experiences on Mortis, and the bond she shares with this mysterious bird.

Morai, with her silent grace and watchful gaze, adds layers of depth to Ahsoka's narrative. She is not just a creature but a symbol, encapsulating the enduring themes of sacrifice, protection, and the eternal dance between light and dark.

Broader Implications for the Star Wars Universe - hugely speculative at this point

The Star Wars universe is vast and interconnected, with each narrative thread weaving into a larger tapestry of stories. The events of "Ahsoka" Episode 6 titled "Far, Far Away" introduce new elements that have significant implications for the broader Star Wars lore, especially in relation to the Mortis arc and the Force's nature.

Baylan Skoll's Ambitions

Baylan Skoll, a character introduced in the "Ahsoka" series, has been shrouded in mystery. As the episodes unfold, it becomes evident that his intentions are far-reaching and potentially cataclysmic. Baylan's ultimate goal seems to revolve around ending the never-ending cycle of power shifts in the galaxy, from the Republic to the Empire and back to the Republic. He perceives this cycle as a manifestation of the Force's will, constantly balancing the scales between light and dark.

His ambitions are audacious, to say the least. Baylan seeks to disrupt or even destroy the Force itself, a concept that has been toyed with by few in the Star Wars universe. One such character from the past who harbored similar intentions was Darth Traya, a Sith Lord from the era of the Old Republic. Her profound understanding of the Force led her to question its very nature and purpose.

Drawing a parallel to the Mortis arc, if Baylan's intentions are indeed to challenge the Force's very essence, it raises the question: Could the Mortis gods, the embodiments of the Force, make a return? These entities, representing the light, dark, and balance of the Force, were only tamed by the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker. Their potential involvement in Baylan's plans could have monumental consequences for the galaxy.

The Connection to Mortis

While the direct link between Baylan's plans and the Mortis gods remains speculative, the thematic connections are evident. Both narratives delve deep into the Force's nature, its balance, and the eternal struggle between light and dark. The Mortis gods, as representations of these aspects, could play a pivotal role in understanding or even thwarting Baylan's ambitions.

Furthermore, the mention of the Mortis gods in the context of a mural at the entrance of the Jedi Temple, which gave Ezra access to the World Between Worlds, suggests that their influence and significance extend beyond the events of the Mortis arc. This interconnectedness between different narrative threads reinforces the idea that the Force's mysteries are far from fully understood and that characters like Baylan Skoll might be on the verge of uncovering or challenging these truths.


The intricate tapestry of the Star Wars universe is woven with threads of deep lore, character connections, and symbolic representations. Our exploration of Ahsoka Tano's relationship with the Daughter and Morai, the convor, sheds light on the profound spiritual journey of this beloved character. The Mortis arc, with its allegorical representation of the Force, serves as a pivotal point in Ahsoka's story, influencing her actions and decisions in subsequent narratives. The subtle inclusion of Morai in "The Mandalorian" not only pays homage to Ahsoka's animated origins but also emphasizes the continuity and depth of the Star Wars saga. Through our discussion, we've delved into the layers of meaning behind these connections, enriching our understanding and appreciation of a galaxy far, far away.



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About the author Jimmy Jangles

My name is Jimmy Jangles, the founder of The Astromech. I have always been fascinated by the world of science fiction, especially the Star Wars universe, and I created this website to share my love for it with fellow fans.

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