How the Gargantuan Black Hole in Interstellar was made scientifically accurate

09 March 2023
The portrayal of black holes in the film Interstellar has generated a lot of interest and discussion among scientists and the general public alike. While the film takes some artistic liberties with the science of black holes, it is generally considered to be scientifically accurate.

One of the key scientific consultants for the film was astrophysicist Kip Thorne, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017 for his contributions to the detection of gravitational waves. Thorne worked closely with the filmmakers to ensure that the depiction of black holes in the film was as accurate as possible, given the limitations of current scientific knowledge.

In an interview with Scientific American, Thorne stated that the black hole in Interstellar was "by far the most accurate portrayal of a black hole that's ever been put on film." He explained that the visual effects team used a technique called "ray tracing" to accurately simulate the way that light would behave in the vicinity of a black hole.

Thorne also noted that the film's portrayal of the phenomenon known as "gravitational lensing" was particularly accurate. This is where the gravitational pull of a black hole causes light to bend and distort as it passes nearby. In the film, this effect is used to create stunning visuals, such as the appearance of a giant wave of water hovering over the black hole.

gargantuan black hole interstellar

However, there are some aspects of the film's portrayal of black holes that are still not fully understood by scientists. For example, the film suggests that objects falling into a black hole would be stretched out into a long "spaghetti-like" shape due to the intense gravitational forces. While this is theoretically possible, it has never been observed in real life and remains a subject of scientific debate.

In terms of the film itself, the black hole known as Gargantua has a significant impact on time. The intense gravitational forces around the black hole cause time to slow down, which means that time passes more slowly for objects close to the black hole than for those further away.

This effect, known as time dilation, has been predicted by the theory of relativity and has been observed in experiments involving high-speed particles. However, the time dilation around a black hole is much more extreme than anything that could be produced on Earth.

In the film, the astronauts on the Endurance spacecraft experience significant time dilation as they approach Gargantua. For example, when they land on a planet orbiting close to the black hole, they discover that one hour on the planet's surface is equivalent to seven years of Earth time.

This time dilation has a profound effect on the astronaut Cooper and brands, both physically and emotionally. For example, when they return to the Endurance after a relatively short time on the planet, they discover that decades have passed on Earth, and their families and loved ones have aged or even died. This creates a sense of isolation and disconnection from their own time, and they struggle to come to terms with the enormity of the time that has passed.

Overall, the portrayal of time dilation around the black hole in Interstellar is consistent with the predictions of relativity and adds a fascinating dimension to the film's story. It highlights the profound impact that extreme gravitational forces can have on the fabric of spacetime and our perception of time itself.


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